30% OFF Promotional Opportunity
We Need Some Great Product Photos…Can You Help?
At Lobo Off-Road we’re super-excited to bring these awesome new Tremrr Wheels to the Bronco enthusiast community, showing them off and seeing how they look on a wide variety of rigs. But we only have one Bronco in our own fleet, and we’d like to build a library of high quality product photos of every color and style of Tremrr Wheel, mounted on some great looking Broncos, out in the Wild doing what they do best! If you can help us out, there’s a fat 30% OFF bonus in it for you!
Here’s how it works. We need some GOOD product images of each of the wheels shown below. So we’re offering 30% OFF for only one set of each style/color, pursuant to this project. We’re looking for folks who will promise to take GREAT photos, with a GOOD camera, in some AWESOME settings. If that’s you, and you’re interested in one of the wheel styles below at a 30% discount, and you’re willing to shoot and send us the photos we need, skip to the bottom to find out how to proceed. Remember, we’re only looking for ONE photographer per wheel style and color, and we’ll be removing wheels from this list as they are claimed.
If you’d like to help us out with some great product photos and get a set of wheels at a 30% discount, please fill out the form below. Also, please email us a couple of samples of your photo skills, featuring the Bronco you propose to install the wheels on to. Send those to pitcrew@lobooffroad.com and put “Tremrr Wheel Project” in the subject line. Be sure to read the Photography Guidelines and Prmo Rules at the bottom of this page.
- Photos must be taken in an outdoor, natural setting. Woods, mountains, desert, etc. Please no shots from inside your garage, driveway, parking lots, etc.
- Most of the shots should be in landscape (wide) format, but please provide a selection of vertical shots as well.
- Provide photos in high resolution, un-edited. Note that the examples given below have been edited in post. You will leave that to us, please do not perform your own edits to the raw images.
- Provide an array of photos of the bare wheel, placed in an attractive, natural outdoor setting, free of background clutter. EXAMPLE
- After the wheels are mounted on the vehicle, shoot an array of photos that focus on the wheel at semi-close range, at various angles, so that the rest of the truck is merely background. EXAMPLE 1 | EXAMPLE 2
- Provide an array of photos of the entire truck, with the truck filling most of the frame but with the wheels visible. EXAMPLE 1 | EXAMPLE 2
- Provide a series of wider landscape photos with the truck in various positions to create negative space to each side. EXAMPLE 1 | EXAMPLE 2
- Lighting: The best time to shoot is in the early morning or late afternoon. Cloudy or overcast days with diffused light are good. Hard, direct sunlight is usually not preferred.
- Angle: Wheels look best when shot from either even with the centerline of the wheel or from below.
- Position the vehicle within the landscape to capture the best lighting. If it is a bright, sunny day, be aware of your own shadow in the frame, starburst and lens flare, and hard shadows that are so dark there is no definition.
- Usually turning the wheel to give it an angle that’s not just parallel with the side of the truck will create a more dramatic composition.
- Make sure your camera is set for the highest resolution, highest image quality possible.
- You will be given a DropBox or Cloud link to upload the files to.
- Upload the ORIGINAL, un-edited image files, at full resolution from the camera. If your camera can shoot in RAW format, upload those. Otherwise, use the highest quality and resolution settings available with your equipment.
- Photos from Digital SLR or high quality mirrorless digital cameras are preferred, however shots from current-generation iPhone and Android phones will suffice.
- All submitted photos become the property of Lobo Off-Road, Inc.
- Only one 30% OFF coupon will be issued per wheel style and color. If the wheel style and color is still shown in the product matrix on this page, it is still available for the 30% OFF in exchange for providing the requested photography.
- If the wheel style and color of your choice is not shown in the product matrix above, it has already been claimed for this project and is no longer eligible for the promotion. You must choose from the available styles and colors.
- Your application is subject to evaluation by Lobo Off-Road to determine suitability for our needs based on the information you provide. This is not a blanket discount offer. It is an exchange for services rendered, to the applicant of our choice. That choice will be determined based on which applicant we believe will provide the best product photos to suit our needs.
- There is no set end-date for choosing a recipient. We may continue to hold the application open until additional applications are received.
- If you are chosen, we will contact you to make arrangements and set expectations before providing the discount code.
- Chosen recipient(s) will recieve a one-time-use discount code for 30% off their chosen wheel only (good for up to 5 wheels). Order must be placed on the Lobo Off-Road website, using the discount coupon, within 10 days of being chosen and notified.
- Recipient will still have to pay for sales tax (if in California) and shipping.
- All submitted photos become the property of Lobo Off-Road, Inc.